New York Young Communist League

About Us | Our Structure | Committees

The New York YCL has an elected leadership body, the Coordinating Committee, which coordinates the work of the NY-YCL. As a collective, we organize our work through various subcommittees focused on different issues, regions, and logistics. These subcommittees are democratically created and run by the general membership of the NY-YCL.

If you would like to get involved with these subcommittees, you may reach us at While you will not have privileges to decide the direction of the work without being a member of the YCL, all are welcome participate in public meetings and work organized by our committees without being a member.

Current Subcommittees:

  • Palestine-Solidarity

  • Labor Rights

  • Montage Film Collective

  • Anti-Imperialism

  • Prison Abolition

  • Mutual Aid

  • Cultural

  • Student Organization

  • Educational

  • Social Media

  • Communications

  • Onboarding

Affiliated Organizations and Coalitions:

These are not subcommittees of the New York YCL, but rather organizations and coalitions of which the NY-YCL and NYS-CP are partners or allies. Our members are involved in this work as representatives of the New York YCL.