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Marxist Study Group: “Selections from the Prison Notebooks by Antonio Gramsci”

NY YCL hosts a weekly theoretical discussion group dedicated to analysis of classical and contemporary Marxist writing. We strive to give both a close and critical reading while linking ideas to our contemporary movements and practice. Texts are chosen by vote of those involved in the Committee.

Please join us as we begin a six week-long reading of "Selections from the Prison Notebooks" by Antonio Gramsci. For this first week, we will be looking at Part I: Problems of History & Culture, "The Intellectuals" & "On Education"

Reach out to the NY YCL on Telegram for a copy of the text and to join the call!

March 17

NY-YCL Petitioning to help Kristin Richardson Jordan get on the Ballot!

March 19

Prison Abolition Subcommittee Meeting