The New York Young Communist League is petitioning to do voter outreach for Kristin Richardson Jordan, a socialist running as a democratic candidate for City Council in Harlem (District 9). We are going to help aid the campaign in getting her on the democratic ballot for the June 22nd primary! Kristin's campaign is focused on bringing socialist policies to New York City, and abolition of the carceral state is at the heart of her platform. In line with the principles of the CPUSA, we are using this outreach to talk to residents of Harlem about the abolition of prison and police. We invite you to join us in these conversations. There will be a brief training on petitioning if you have not done it before!
We will be meeting up the afternoon of March 17th around the 125th St A/C/D/B subway stop. Exact time TBD. Reach out on telegram for more information:
You can learn more about Kristin's policies here: