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Rally: Say No To The NYCHA Blueprint!

Join members Justice for All Coalition, New York Communities for Change, CAAAV, the Red Hook Initiatives and NYCHA residents across the city as we fight to protect public housing from RAD and any other forms of privatization the politicians and developers are trying to force to pass. We will not accept the NYCHA Blueprint, as it is simply another way to try to trick residents into privatizing and giving away their rights. Housing is a human right. We will defend public housing! Enough is enough!

WHO: NYCHA tenants, community groups, allies
WHEN: Tuesday, March 23rd, 11am
WHERE: 90 Church Street, New York, NY — NYCHA Executive Offices

We will be attending with Marni Halasa who is running for City Council to fight to keep public housing public and to defend the rights of all workers and all oppressed people. Sign up to attend with us here.

March 22

NY-YCL Phonebank for Kristin Richardson Jordan

March 24

Marxist Study Group: “Selections from the Prison Notebooks by Antonio Gramsci” Pt 2