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NY YCL January General Meeting

Happy New Year, comrades! The New York Young Communist League (YCL) invites you to our monthly statewide meeting. We hope you will join, as there is much important work to be done!

Open fascist insurrectionary violence at the Capitol earlier this month. The new neoliberal Biden administration coming to power. The the continuing and devastating COVID and economic crises. The ongoing police-violence against black, brown, working class, and revolutionary protesters. Worsening imperialism (in the forms of sanctions and military attacks) in China, Yemen, Cuba, and elsewhere in the Global South. — These barely scratch the surface of what we have already faced this year and must organize against in the months to come!

In order to defeat these ongoing crises of capitalism, we must come together as workers and fully challenge the dominion of capital! We must organize together and fight. To this end we will discuss the recent success of the Teamsters #HuntsPointStrike in the Bronx. We will also be rolling out the NY-YCL Organizer Training program!

Additionally, we will give updates from our Prison Abolition, Housing/NYCHA, and Mutual Aid subcommittees, as well as our current coalition fights to build unemployment councils and to #TaxTheRich. And we will introduce a proposal for electoral work in NYC for our newly formed Electoral Subcommittee.

There be special guests, cultural presentations, and information on upcoming meetings and work that you can get involved with. If you would like to come together to build a better world not just for New Yorkers, but for all workers the world over, we welcome you to join us!

Click here to attend the Zoom meeting:

January 30

#KeepPublicHousingPublic: Rally For Fulton Houses

January 31

CPUSA Marxist Classes: "Marxist Analysis – Interpreting the World in Order to Change It"