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Fight for Public Housing Call

This week, we learned that Greg Russ is trying his best to pass The Blueprint legislation before the end of this session, which is June 10th. Yes, the bill is still in the Housing Committee, and also needs to get through the Assembly, and the Senate, however, we are hearing that he has made some amendments (but we don’t know what they are yet) and has been lining up votes, with support from Assemblymember Kavanaugh.

The Justice For All Coalition, CAAAV, Sunrise NYC and many tenants’ and people’s organizations from across NYC are coming together to Kill the Blueprint and Oust Russ - and we hope you will join us in this effort. Here is their statement & petition for the campaign

At this meeting discussing how we can work together to implement this campaign city-wide. 

We hope you will join us in this campaign to make sure we Oust Russ and Kill the Bill. 

Date / Time: Tuesday May 25th at 7pm on Zoom. Reach out on Telegram for call info.

May 24

YCL Summer School -- Planning Call (Cultural Committee)

May 26

YCL Tabling - Harlem